Being the first flash memory based flashcart, SUPERCARD wins the support of vast number of customers by SC team's innovative design and Supercard's simple but useful functions for 4 years.
After a long time research, SC team finally found out the best solution of Slot1 firmware upgrade problem, then mean you will never worry about firmware upgrade because of SUPERCARD DSONEi. It's the first external USB Smart Upgrade set of the world.
DSONEi also continue provide the dream functions real-time save, real-time cheat and real-time game guide to the customers.

- ·Plug'n Play(No flashme, No passme, No convert).
- ·The 1st flashcart with a USB fireware writer in the world wide. Unlimited upgrade and Never worry about anything.
- ·100% Clean Rom Support, Just Drag'n Drop.
- ·100% Game Compatibility.
- ·RealTime Functions: RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide & RealTime Cheat.
- ·Multi Saves, Easy to backup and restore saves.
- ·Hardware Save Support. Easy to backup and exchange saves with other players.
- ·TWO modes designed
Clean ROM mode: (100% Clean Rom Support. Just Drag 'n Drop file from PC to flash memory card.)
Patch Mode: (100% Clean Rom Support. Just Drag 'n Drop file from PC to flash memory card. Then play the games with some extra functions, like RESET, RealTime Save, RealTime Game Guide & RealTime Cheat.)
- ·Unlimited storage. Support SDHC memory card, Support FAT/FAT32. Easy to share memory card with other digtal tools.
- ·Blue-Light engine included. Support High speed flash memory card without any slow down.
- ·Multi language Support. Change the language as you wish.
- ·DS original cartridge size, the perfect solution of slot 1.
- ·TFlash/MicroSD slot Push'n Push design, good-looking and easy to use.
- ·Micro firmware designed, and extended skin which is fully upgradeable, easy to DIY your own skin.
- ·MoonShell built-in design. Can play MP3, Ogg and DPG2 directly in SuperCard DS system. Capatible with DPG0/DPG1. It also support eBook and view picture. It's a real multimedia system.
- ·Powerful OS Menu System. Game list support PDA display mode, text list, small icon list and big icon list. Support touch operation.